Science -5.2
Characterization of a Novel Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
--SARS冠状病毒的特征 (Science-5.2)
2003年三月,科学家们发现了导致SARS的元凶SARS-CoV,并且成功的完成了SARS-CoV基因组的完整测序。SARS-CoV基因组有29727个核苷酸、11个开放阅读框(Opening Reading Frames)组成。它的基因组结构和其他的冠状病毒非常相似。但通过比较遗传史和序列比对表明SARS-cov的特征和以前发现的冠状病毒的特征并不完全相似,它不仅表现有其他冠状病毒共有的特征,还有SARS-CoV本身特有的特征。
The Genome Sequence of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus (Science-5.2)
我们进行了SARS相关的冠状病毒Tor2分离株(29751个碱基)的基因组测序。基因组序列揭示这个冠状病毒与已知的冠状病毒(包括人类冠状病毒HcoV-OC43,HCoV-229E) 无密切相关。预测病毒蛋白的种系分析表明,该冠状病毒与已知的三族冠状病毒均非密切相似.基因组序列将有助于人类SARS病毒感染、潜在动物宿主的诊断检测(使用PCR和免疫测试法),有助于发展抗病毒制剂(包括中和抗体)和找出公认的疫苗抗原决定簇。
Lessons from SARS(Science-5.2)
Battling SARS on the Frontlines(Science-5.2)
Hungry for Details, Scientists Zoom In on SARS Genomes (Science-5.2)
SARS Coronavirus Genome Preliminary Analysis (4.26)
The Preliminary Analysis of SARS Proteins' Sequences (I)-CMBI(4.29)
The Preliminary Analysis of SARS Proteins' Sequences (II)-CMBI(5.1)
The Preliminary Analysis of SARS Proteins' Sequences (III)-CMBI(5.1)
The Preliminary Analysis of the structure and function of SARS spike(S)protein-CMBI(5.1)
The Preliminary Analysis of the Mutation of SARS Genes' Sequences -CMBI(5.1)
The Attachment of Analysis of the Mutation of SARS Coronaviruses Genes' Sequences (5.4)
The Preliminary analysis of SARS associated Coronavirus Complete Genome's Mutation(5.4)
Preliminary analysis of the structure and function of SARS putative nucleocapsid protein(5.4)
Tertiary Structure Prediction of SARS Coronavirus Proteins' Partial Sequence(5.9)
SARS Co-V-Host Cell Interaction
SARS coronavirus proteins may contain caveolin binding sites(5.7)
The Potential Proteins Which induce SARS Virus enter host(5.9)
Searching the possible binding site of the SARS N protein and SARS RNA(5.9)
Nuclear targeting sequence in SARS nucleocapsid protein (5.9)